Clinic Operational Protocol During Coronavirus Pandemic
Following advice from Public Health England and the UK College of Podiatry, we are able to see and treat all clients with foot problems. We have the following protocol in place to keep you as safe as possible
- 1. Appointments to be made with sufficient gaps, to allow a “cooldown” so that there are minimal numbers of people in the building at any one time.
- 2. Full clean down of the clinic room to be undertaken between each patient, including chair, armrests, door handles, bottles touched etc.
- 3. Two metre distance to be maintained between the Podiatrist and patient where possible.
- 4. Windows to be open to encourage air flow.
- 5. PPE to be worn by Podiatrist – mask, gloves, apron. Visor or goggles to be worn for certain procedures.
- 6. Patients to be asked to wear own mask or one will be supplied.
- 7. Protective Perspex screen to be used between patient and Podiatrist.
- 8. No Covid-19 positive patients to be seen. Patients only to attend if well with no signs of fever, new persistent cough, or loss of smell or taste.
- 9. Patients should attend for their appointment as close to the appointment time as possible.
- 10. Patients to be asked to wash hands or sanitise on entering clinic.
- 11. Patients to be asked to sanitise hands before using card machine.
- 12. No cash to be handled, card payments or BACS only.
This protocol is subject to change at short notice, following advice from Public Health England, the UK government and / or the UK College of Podiatry